During the month of April, Le Répertoire de Gaspard is taking action and joining the millions of wonderful people out there who are helping to save the environment, and in turn tackling climate change.
Our aim is to use the month of April to kick start living more consciously and sustainably, and we want you to join this global phenomenon. We will be sharing ideas across our different social media platforms that child carers, parents and of course the children can get involved in, to spread awareness and adopt simple but effective methods into our daily lives.
Simple changes!
1. The Le Repertoire de Gaspard office has introduced a new recycling scheme. As our building does not have it’s own recycling bin we thought it neccessary to introduce our own system. Each week the recycling bags are taken to the Espace Tri Invalides Fabert so the contents can be recycled into new things for everyone to reuse.
2. This year, we have provided all our child carers and the children they babysit with Le Repertoire de Gaspard reusable water bottles (gourdes for the French!). So, there is no excuse to be buying plastic water bottles every other day!
3. Each week we will be sharing a tip from Easy Eco Tips Instagram page in order to spread awareness to our CAP students. As you can see from the photo, our recycling board educates everyone in the office what they can recycle and of course, includes a few tips on how to reduce, reuse, and refuse!
4. We are also collecting postage stamps for Octopus for a Preemie (a UK charity), bottle caps and used pens (of all types) which can be recycled, and mascara wands which can be used for wildlife charities across the world.
5. Lastly, we’ve recently discovered that North Face Stores can take your old trainers and repurpose or recycling them to prevent the excess waste hitting landfill.
Look out for our next blog post to find out more information about the amazing charities we are supporting and their initiatives!
Here at Le Rep, we love children, animals and the planet, and we have the power to educate the future generation! With this initiative, we want to remind our community that living by the golden rule: “do to others as you would have them do to you” will create a life-changing shift where each of us will take responsibility for living a more conscious life, motivated by compassion and forgiveness. Each of us has the power to make this shift and teach by example 🙂
So, come and join us this month, and every month to discover the ways we can all connect and help combat the current state of our home – Mother Earth!
Priya & Emma, The Gaspard Green Team