Part Time Job:Childcarer for children aged 3+. After school hours, typically 4.30pm to 7pm on weekdays except Wednesday when it is a half or a full day. Possible to work one to five days a week. Salary 14 gross/11 euros net an hour + perks**
Childcare Diploma Programme:Work towards obtaining a recognised French diploma in the childcare sector. Work 30 to 35 hours a week. Time is split into 3 areas – attending the Paris Institute of Childcare Training to study for the diploma; helping a family’s child/ren improve their English and a placement in an international pre-school OR bilingual nursery OR Montessori setting. Salary 1100 - 1400 euros net a month + perks** Must be available Monday to Friday
**Perks: Free French lessons; cooking classes; yoga; social events and administrative assistance.