There is an age old question everyone is asked after graduating from university: What’s next??
Two years ago, I faced that question from everyone. My answer turned into the typical response of, “I guess I’ll get a full time job”. Having said that a few too many times I decided to change gears. I decided to move abroad!
After sending out a few applications to companies overseas, I quickly realized that my line “I’ll obtain a visa once accepted” was not appealing to most recruiters as they would rather hire someone who already has a visa or European citizenship.
As easy as 1, 2, 3
After doing some research I found that I could obtain a Working Holiday Visa for France. Being from Canada, I found that this process was easy and moved quite quickly. All I needed to do was:
- fill out an application form
- write a letter as to why I want to move to France (Cover Letter)
- have proof of health insurance and
- proof of return (sufficient funds)
I applied at the beginning of September and recieved my visa in the middle of October. I was amazed and impressed by how quick and easy the process was.
Are you from one of these countries? Lucky you!
The following countries are eligible for a French Working Holiday Visa: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, Taiwan, Uruguay.
You must be between the ages 18-30 or for Candians between 18 and 35. To apply you need to check out the sites of the French embassy’s closest to you (attached in the links above) and follow their instructions.
Once you have your visa you are eligible to live and work full time in France for one year! Canadians are lucky enough to be able to extend their stay for an extra year which is what I did.
The idea of these visas is to encourage tourism and for young people to learn about French culture. When you head home you can share everything that you’ve learned with your family and friends (and show off your new language!).
If you are not from one of these countries than many of our employees opt for a student visa, working visa, or a visa through your partner if possible. A google search and some research can help you with this.
When you apply for your visa don’t forget to contact Le Repertoire de Gaspard to find your dream job!