Ah. The golden age of the internet, where we can waste hours mindlessly scrolling between facebook, emails and news updates…. but what if I told you, you could put all this screen time to good use? It’s time to start learning French for free online!
There is an abundance of free online resources out there, so to save you some time trudging through them all, here’s a list of my top five that I found invaluable whilst learning French.
If you are a traditionalist and prefer to learn in a classroom style environment, why not move to France 😉 Le Repertoire de Gaspard is always looking for English speaking childcarers and we offer free french lessons twice per week for three different levels – beginners, intermediate and advanced! Amelie is our teacher and will ensure you have a well rounded and positive experience of learning French (for free!).
Our CAP Petite Enfance course is also a great way to get a qualification and learn French at the same time – check out the details on our website.
Lawless French
Lawless French offers a range of lessons on grammar and vocabulary through a notebook, a word a day, quizzes, study tips, comprehension exercises, and fun tools such as The Subjunctivisor for those (all of us!) who struggle with the dreaded subjunctive.
Start your online French learning here: www.lawlessfrench.com
Talk in French
Talk in French is a great blog and podcast hosted by Frederic Bibard. He creates fun and manageable lessons for every level of learner. You will not only learn the necessary French grammar and vocabulary, but also all you need to know about French culture through a good mix of content, methods and lots of fun thrown in.
Learn french for free online with Frederic: www.talkinfrench.com/blog/
Français Authentique
We all know that speaking is the most challenging part of language learning (up there with writing !) and that is exactly why Johan, the host of Français Authentique, created his website. His website offers an abundance of resources such as blogs, videos, podcasts, and weekly lessons through emails. His resources are mainly aimed at those who can already grasp French but struggle with expressing themselves when speaking.
Start speaking fluently here: www.francaisauthentique.com
WordReference is a very handy online translation dictionary, which also has an app format, for language pairs including French – English. The website also has a Verb Conjugator feature and language forums where you can look for answers to your French language questions or ask your own.
Look up that difficult word here: www.wordreference.com
Linguee is an online platform that acts like a dictionary for a number of language pairs, including French to English and English to French. Unlike your usual dictionary, Linguee also provides access to large amounts of bilingual sentence pairs found online which helps with translation aid as well as finding the context of a word.
Find that perfect translation here: www.linguee.fr
If you like this blog about learning french for free online, something tells me you’ll also love reading this article by Priya about how she managed to learn french for free too!