We are very happy to announce that in November 2020 Le Répertoire de Gaspard/ Paris Institute of Childcare Training will offer its first training designed to help refugees, who are long term unemployed, to find a job in the childcare world.
What is a POEC ?
Over the past 6 years Paris ICT has successfully trained hundreds of English speaking childcarers for the CAP EAPE (Early Age diploma). When our Gaspard Directrice, Catherine, heard about the POEC (Préparation Opérationnelle à l‘Emploi Collective) she thought it’d be an amazing opportunity to help refugees from all over the world to get a chance to be integrated into French culture and learn about Childcare.
A POEC is a 3-month program designed for the unemployed to train and learn about a new professional domain. At the end of the program participants should be able to find a job within this new field. This program is also a good way to help recruiters find employees. Each company works very closely with Pôle-Emploi and social workers to provide the smoothest experience.
Paris ICT and Le Répertoire de Gaspard’s Role to Help Refugees
Since the creation of the Paris Institute of Childcare Training in 2014 we’ve had the pleasure of training hundreds of childcarers, who come to Paris for an Erasmus program, a gap-year or to be reunited with their French partners! Over a 3 month period, starting November 2020, our new students will be given a chance to learn French intensively, be immersed in French history and culture, participate in various childcare modules (child psychology, nutrition and work placements) and job search workshops.
Giving people with refugee status the same opportunity as non-refugees became such a logical thing to! And so, the recruitment team at Le Rép and teaching team at PICT are now working very hard to provide our new candidates the same experience!
Comments (3)
I like to join this type of child care program.
Hi Krupa,
Thank you for your interest!
If you would like to be considered for our CAP programme please send your CV with a brief outline of your childcare experience to recruitment@lerepertoiredegaspard.com and one of our recruitment team will be in touch!