After all the research, preparation, packing of bags and farewells, your son or daughter has finally started working with Le Repertoire de Gaspard and is living abroad in Paris. What are you going to do now?
You might be tempted to be on standby 24/7 via Whatsapp, skype, phone and email, constantly checking their every movement. However, there’s no need to worry!
Yes, your child is in Paris but that means they have started an adventure that will let them live their life and dreams and remember this experience for years to come.
Support from Le Répertoire de Gaspard
At the agency, we make it easy for people to join our workforce by:
- Offering full time and part-time work options
- Providing free French lessons
- Assistance with accommodation
- Stable and regular pay
- A French work contract
- Many social events
- French administrative support
Home from Home
And although knowing you have a supportive network back at home, the truth is, here at Le Rép, we are trying to recreate a home from home for our employees. We are always open to chatting with parents or families about our programme and work set-up if they need further information.
First and foremost, you should be excited for them. The fact that they are living a new experience in a new country is great. Getting to learn a new language, earning a qualification if they do our childcare programme and being part of the French culture is a real boost.
Our programme is organised in such a way that all the details are taken care of, perfect for the millennial generation and for those more mature ; )
Watch them flourish
Let them have a freedom of spirit – it’s the only way to grow and progress. Their days will be packed with lessons, family work, work placements and social events so you can rest assured that they are never at a loss for something to do!
Our support network includes a detailed welcome pack, a friendly face to confide in at our office near the Champs-Elysées, the chance to mix with other like-minded people and to enjoy a vibrant new city.
Once they have applied to work us and their position is confirmed help your kids get packing to join our team.
My parting advice is this: let your children be. Don’t call too much, don’t resolve all their issues, let them make their own mistakes and find their own path.
Photo: courtesy of www.thestudyabroadportal.com