Have you ever thought about how you could possibly combine work and study plus your personal life? If yes, then the answer is an English speaking childcarer with Le Repertoire de Gaspard! Here, you can study while working and yet still have some time for yourself. Sounds impossible? Read on to learn about the flexible work options!
Apply for your ideal flexible job
All you need to do is to apply via the website and the Recruitment Team will contact you if your profile corresponds to our type of work. From here you will meet the Family Liaison Team, who’s job it is to work out the best family match for you and the flexibility you require. Even if you are not in Paris yet, it is still possible to apply and get matched with a family.
Once you have applied you will need to decide which option you wish to take. The team will also advise you on the benefits of each and what is most flexible for you.
Option 1- CAP Petite Enfance, Early Childhood Development course starting in September of each year (finishing July of the following year). The CAP is a full time PAID work/study programme.
Option 2- Part-time family work. You will be responsible for guiding and helping children to speak and learn English. Most of our jobs are 18-22 hours per week and we are flexible to find a family that fits with your schedule!
The Advantages
The advantage of working with the agency is that professional training and learning materials are provided for the study program. The activity books, flashcards, and other teaching materials are provided for the work with children so you always have something to do with the kids!
There are also follow-ups about yours and the children’s progress throughout the year with your dedicated Family Liaison so you won’t ever feel alone as Le Repertoire de Gaspard is like a community. There are regular social and sporting events where you can meet people and make friends with the other babysitters.
Another advantage is that you complete a first aid course run by the Association Nationale des Premiers Secours resulting in a Certificat de Compétences. It covers everything from CPR to management of cuts, burns, and other maladies and is an official French qualification!
The last (but not the least) detail to mention is flexibility!
- All courses are run in a friendly and supportive environment with experienced teachers.
- There is no work during the weekends and you are generally off during the school holidays. You can use this time to explore and discover Paris and French culture in general.
- The agency will also find the family posts that best correspond to you. They take into consideration your preferences to try and find a family that matches you best.
- Le Repertoire de Gaspard can assist you with the accommodation, your social security number, and even work opportunities after the CAP diploma. For instance, you will be qualified to work as a teaching assistant at a school or a kindergarten or in a creche.
In short, dive into the world of possibilities with Le Repertoire de Gaspard!
By Gulnura (2019/2020 CAP student)